Send in your ideas. Deadline April 1, 2025


Sponsored conferences and other events aiming at dissemination of internet knowledge and technology.

This page contains a concise overview of projects funded by NLnet foundation that belong to Conferences (see the thematic index). There is more information available on each of the projects listed on this page - all you need to do is click on the title or the link at the bottom of the section on each project to read more. If a description on this page is a bit technical and terse, don't despair — the dedicated page will have a more user-friendly description that should be intelligible for 'normal' people as well. If you cannot find a specific project you are looking for, please check the alphabetic index or just search for it (or search for a specific keyword).

Conferences — Sponsoring of various conferences

NLnet historically contributed directly and indirectly to various third party conferences. In some cases, like the renowned SANE conferences, not only financially but also with man-power. Besides these large activities, it used to sponsor smaller events on an irregular bases. Those smaller conference contributions are collected on this page. Currently, NLnet puts the focus on R&D activities — this may change in the future, also depending on suitable budgets for this to become available. Meeting people in person and real human contact can greatly simplify working together on complex topics, and to coordinate work.

>> Read more about Conferences

Hackathons — contributions to various hackathons

Hackathons are meetings of small groups Open Source developers, usually on participation of inviation only. In a few days of intensive interaction, they focus on new developments, prototypes, and designs.

>> Read more about Hackathons

SANE — System Administration and NEtworking conferences

The SANE Conferences are organized by the Dutch UNIX Users Group NLUUG, and target the International UNIX (and Linux/FreeBSD/Darwin) professional users community. The conference language is English.

>> Read more about SANE