Apply for funding
We support projects that contribute to an open, resilient, trustworthy, sustainable and human-centered internet. Are you working on open hardware, open software, open data or open standards? We financially support organisations and people who are developing open solutions that empower users on all layers of technology.
What we offer
We provide grants between 5.000 and 50.000 euro — with the possibility to scale them up if there is proven potential. In addition to these grants, depending on the fund in question, grantees can benefit from a variety support services such as security and accessibility audits, mentoring, testing expertise, and copyright & licensing advice. As a philanthropy, we do not pay commercial rates — we provide a cost-recovery based mechanism, allowing people to freely work on what they believe in.
How to apply
We have back-to-back open calls, so you can always submit a proposal. There is a deadline on the 1st of every even month. We do our best to offer a low-threshold application mechanism. We've kept the application form short so as not to waste your time.
In principle anyone can apply: individuals, research organisations, non-profits, public institutions, companies of any size and type, etc. However, do read the eligiblity section of the fund you are applying for, as specific conditions may apply. All projects must be free/libre/open source: all scientific outcomes must be published as open access, and any software and hardware developed must be published under a recognised free and open source license in its entirety.
Active funds
Below you find a basic overview of our currently active funds. You can find more information on each fund's main page. There you'll find the Guide for Applicants, FAQs and eligibility criteria. We advice you to have a thorough look. It gives you an idea of the type of projects we are looking for and which conditions apply. If you are unsure which fund best fits your project, submit to our open call.
NGI Zero Commons Fund
Reclaim the public nature of the internet
The commons model works. Free and open source software and hardware, open standards, open data & AI, open science and creative commons benefit everyone instead of a few. The goal of the NGI0 Commons Fund is to help deliver, mature and scale new internet commons across the whole technology spectrum, from libre silicon to middleware, from P2P infrastructure to convenient end user applications.
Open calls within pilot programmes
Pilots are existing larger R&D efforts with a fairly specific and often very concrete (= more applied/constrained) objective and scope. Typically a consortium of organisations has received budget to develop or enhance a specific open technology or set of open technologies of interest, and/or applying these to specific (real-world) use cases. The role of NLnet in such pilots is often to involve additional parties through open calls, providing grants to free and open source projects which are aligned with the goals of the pilot and strengthen its overall proposition. If you do not specifically target the technologies developed within the pilot, you are generally better off applying to our other open calls.
Privacy-preserving digital payments
NGI TALER is a pilot programme with the objective to roll out a new, best-in-class electronic payment system called GNU Taler. Part of the budget is reserved for open calls to fund additional free and open source efforts that improve/build on top/integrate this payment system.
NGI Mobifree
Working towards mobile freedom
NGI Mobifree is a pilot programme designed to push beyond the status quo of mobile software, and create a virtuous cycle of innovation through free and open source software, libre hardware and open standards. Funding is avialable for projects that contribute to the objectives of Mobifree.
NGI Fediversity
Creating the hosting stack of the future
NGI Fediversity is a pilot programme to bring easy-to-use, hosted cloud services that have service portability and personal freedom at their core to everyone. Funding is avialable for projects that contribute to the objectives of Fediversity.
Support activities
NGI Zero Review
Supporting quality and maturity of digital commons
NGI Zero Review offers support to projects with Accessibility, Diversity and inclusion management, Community building and mentoring, Copyright and license due diligence, Internationalisation, translation and localisation, Packaging, Security audit, Standardisation. Note that this fund is only open to projects which have received funding within the Next Generation Internet initiative.
NGI Zero funds are made possible with financial support from the European Commission's Next Generation Internet programme, under the aegis of DG Communications Networks, Content and Technology.