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Last update: 2006-04-03


storage and querying middleware for the Semantic Web

Originally, Sesame was developed by Aidministrator Nederland BV as a research prototype and one of the key deliverables in the European IST project On-To-Knowledge (EU-IST-1999-10132).

Now, Sesame is being further developed by Aduna (the new name for Aidministrator) and the NLnet Foundation as an Open Source tool under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL). Arjohn Kampman and Jeen Broekstra, both software developers at Aduna, are managing the project. Ongoing contributions are made by the Bulgarian company OntoText, which developed the Ontology Management Module of Sesame as part of the On-To-Knowledge project.

  • 2004-04-09: Project plan (Plan Van Aanpak) for Sesame phase 2, which will run till May 2005. .pdf (75 kB)
  • 2004-03-25: Version 1.0 of Sesame has been released. more > >
  • 2003-12-04: The project's final report. more > >
  • 2003-07-31: Development plans for the upcoming releases. more > >
  • 2003-05-29: Version 0.9 of Sesame contains the first release of SeRQL. more > >
  • 2003-04-10: Version 0.1 of the plug-in for IsaViz released. more > >
  • 2003-02-12: Version 0.1 of the plug-in for OntoEdit, (the Ontology Engineering Environment) is released. more > >

Project Sesame

Navigate projects
