Servo Webview for Tauri
Integrated portable webview based on Servo engine into Tauri
The web ecosystem lacks a cross-platform, non-corporate controlled system for running web content. Tauri is a system for distributing cross-platform applications that relies on engines present on a system - effectively those owned by Apple, Google, and Microsoft. These permit varying levels of user control. The Servo project is a cross-platform, open source web engine.
While Servo's support for web features such as CSS and JS is still incomplete (making it difficult to rely on it for running arbitrary web content) it is actually a great match for Tauri already. This project would incorporate Servo into the Tauri project, enabling it to run applications in a consistent, open source web runtime on major desktop and mobile platforms. In doing so, the project would also identify and address the highest priority web compatibility issues in Servo, while preparing a roadmap for significant compatibility issues that remain unaddressed. Additionally, the project would identify any opportunities for reducing the binary size, supporting broad distribution of Tauri apps to as many users as possible.
- The project's own website:
Run by Tauri Programme within the Commons Conservancy
This project was funded through the NGI Assure Fund, a fund established by NLnet with financial support from the European Commission's Next Generation Internet programme, under the aegis of DG Communications Networks, Content and Technology under grant agreement No 957073.