Extensive openwifi support for OpenWRT
Software Defined Radio Wifi for OpenWRT routers
The internet service provider and the IT department are often responsible for setting up your Wi-Fi network at home and work, respectively. As a result, many people take Wi-Fi routers and APs for granted and do not realize that these devices are complex and vulnerable closed black boxes of software, firmware and hardware. The often-outdated software and firmware on these devices, combined with their hardware and overall black box nature, raise serious security concerns. For example, the US is considering a ban on TP-Link devices. The software community addresses this issue through projects such as OpenWRT. However, these OpenWRT devices still route their wireless traffic through a closed Wi-Fi chip.
This project (from the creators of openwifi, the first full-stack open-source IEEE 802.11a/g/n Wi-Fi chip) aims to provide a transparent alternative. Tje project will deliver fully featured openwifi-on-OpenWRT support for all openwifi-enabled boards. To achieve this, the dependency of openwifi on ADI Kuiper Linux is broken and its hardware description is modularized, allowing us to port openwifi to OpenWRT in a maintainable manner. The result is an openwifi package within OpenWRT, allowing users to choose for both open-source software and Wi-Fi chip, thereby enhancing the security and openness of Wi-Fi routers/APs. With this work, we lay the foundation for future developments, including potential partnerships with open-source Wi-Fi router vendors.
- The project's own website: https://github.com/open-sdr/openwifi
Run by imec vzw
This project was funded through the NGI0 Core Fund, a fund established by NLnet with financial support from the European Commission's Next Generation Internet programme, under the aegis of DG Communications Networks, Content and Technology under grant agreement No 101092990.