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Theme fund: NGI Zero Core
Start: 2025-01
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Hardware 2D graphics engine

Additional functionality and better performance for FPGA-based 2D video controller

This project is to develop hardware accelerated 2D display controller boards for easily adding interactive user interfaces to single-purpose industrial and commercial machines.

Traditionally, to make stand-alone machines and systems (i.e. not based on PCs but on custom computing boards), if developers need to provide a high resolution graphical user interfaces (GUI) they are offered only two inconvenient options: use a complex system like a Linux-capable single board computer, or limit performance to low resolutions that are unsuitable for medium to large displays. The latter case simply prevents successfully marketing those products, while the former requires a high degree of qualifications in embedded systems development, where the requirements are simple products like signage systems or vending machines.

The controller boards (CPU and FPGA based, released as open hardware) are capable of loading previously stored images (lossy or lossless), plus movies, fonts and other resources required. The drawing commands are implemented with hardware acceleration on the FPGA board, using a custom C-to-hardware tool: CflexHDL, making it possible to use a fully open-source toolchain. Interactivity is achieved by the use of a USB host capable of handling mouse, keyboards and touchscreens. Displays of multiple kinds are supported by the use of PCB adapters, including: Analog VGA, DVI protocol (compatible with HDMI monitors), LVDS for direct connection to laptop replacement displays, among other options. The controllers can be used stand-alone (like a development platform) or be controlled by other systems like Arduino or similar boards.

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This project was funded through the NGI0 Core Fund, a fund established by NLnet with financial support from the European Commission's Next Generation Internet programme, under the aegis of DG Communications Networks, Content and Technology under grant agreement No 101092990.