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Trusted Networks Initiative continues to grow

Press release

Banks, government organisations and infrastructure suppliers join

The Hague, April 15th 2015

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On Wednesday 15 April Rabobank, ING Bank, AMS-IX, NL-ix, ASP4ALL and Logius will sign the certificate making them a member of the 'Trusted Network Initiative'. The signing will take place at the Innovation Room hosted as part of the Cyber Security Week on the Campus of The Hague Security Delta.

Since several months, the Internet has a new facility to prepare for extremely heavy DDoS attacks. The Trusted Networks Initiative makes it possible to temporarily close off part of the internet, while important websites still remain accessible to regular end users. This last resort Anti-DDoS solution is a newly developed additional mitigation approach, and is supported by many ICT stakeholders, all aiming to reduce the serious damage of these cyber attacks.

Other certified partners, including project-initiators HSD and NLnet, can be found on:

See the short film of TNI on: Google YouTube

More critical websites and networks are invited to apply for membership too. Interested organisations can send an email to:

For the editors