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NLnet supports Bits of Freedom

[28 January 2016, Deze tekst in het Nederlands ]

The NLnet Foundation supports digital rights movement "Bits of Freedom" with 40,000€, to implement its projects.

The Dutch BoF Foundation disseminates technical, juridical, and scientific knowledge to promote a `free' and `open' internet. This information is actively targeted on Dutch and European policymakers: a translation of the actuality into their scope of expertise.

In 2015, BoF published a position paper about the urgency to use high-quality encryption for our freedom and economy. BoF explained to civilians and politicians why the proposed law against computer criminality (nick-named the hack-proposal) will make society less safe. The decision on this bill will follow later this year.

BoF also actively addresses internet users, to make them more privacy aware. Among other things, they organize the yearly "Big Brother Award" election of the person or organization which violated the people's privacy the most. This attracts a lot of attention in the media.

Key to the `Open' internet are free software and open access. Projects for the common good often find it hard to get lasting financial support. NLnet Foundation is one of the few parties which have both the knowledge as means to support this kind of projects.