Send in your ideas. Deadline April 1, 2025

Awards October 2007

The winners of the October 2007 call are:

  • AG Projects BV, Haarlem, with its project Multi-party Instant Message server based on MSRP (OpenMSRP-2), which implements an open source MSRP multi-party IM chat server that works seamless with the MSRP relay implementation, already under development.
  • Unicoms in Utrecht will start with an investigation into the feasibility to connect Microsoft Office Communication Server (OCS) with Open Source PABX systems based on Asterisk. The project is named OCS-Asterisk.
  • Centre de Ressources Art Sensitif in France is support with their Bricophone project, which aims to create a community-oriented mobile phone infrastructure built on cheap hardware.
  • Anwarul Mamum initiated the GO-FOSS initiative, to develop a group of skilled professionals on FOSS within the community of SMEs and NGOs.
  • Rednose ICT trainings and Advisors is supported to erect the Dutch OpenDoc Society which actively promotes the use of ODF -and other Open Standards- to existing organisations, like government, health care, and educational institutes.
  • CACert receives fundings to complete its security audits, which will enable it to become formaly recognized as "trustable organization".

NLnet congratulates the projects that were awarded and encourages others to apply for financial and other support by NLnet for their projects in their next call with deadline Februari 1st 2008