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See You At the NGI Forum in November?

NGI Forum: Unlocking The Power of Digital Commons

November 15- 16 in Brussels, Belgium
Flyer in blue text announcing the NGI Forum 2023, Brussels 15-16 November, register now, hybrid event

Come join us at the NGI Forum, the annual get-together of the European Commission's Next Generation Internet initiative. There will be panel discussions, workshops and a chance to meet lots of interesting people who are working towards a better internet. The NGI Forum is free and open to everyone interested in re-imagining and re-engineering the internet. You can attend remotely or physically but you do need to register because capacity is limited.

Note: please make sure you have adequate browser protection visiting the web pages. Unfortunately these contain some privacy-unfriendly trackers and assets.

NLnet and the NGI Zero ecosystem at the Forum

NLnet and NGI Zero will be well-represented with representatives of funded projects and partner organisations. If you are in Brussels in November come and say hello.

NGI Zero logo
Logo European Commission