Send in your ideas. Deadline April 1, 2025

NGI TALER Background information

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Who is behind this?

This grant program is courtesy of NGI TALER. NGI TALER is a pilot within the Next Generation Internet initiative. The purpose of the NGI Pilots is to scale up high impact technologies that stem from NGI.

The NGI TALER consortium consists of 11 partners from 8 European countries (the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Luxembourg and Switzerland). In addition to NLnet, the consortium includes research and applied science universities, cooperative banks, SMEs, and civil society organisations.

Bringing GNU Taler to citizens and organisations as a privacy-preserving payment alternative is the primary objective of NGI TALER, alongside further technical development of tools, integrations and infrastructure. Part of the budget (15% to be precise) is reserved for open calls to fund additional free and open source efforts that are aligned with the topics and approach of NGI TALER. It shares this approach with other pilots like Mobifree and Fediversity.

Through this agile, low-threshold funding mechanism we will enable individual researchers and developers, as well as small (potentially distributed) teams of them, to research and develop important new ideas that contribute to the establishment of privacy-preserving digital payment systems.

The money for the pilot is kindly provided by the European Commission's DG CNECT, and the Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI).

External Review Committee

NLnet has installed a External Review Committee for this fund. This External Review Committe consists of independent experts from the internet and open source field, academia and the public sector. The committee receives no remuneration for its work, and its members have no other economic interests with any projects funded by the programme.

The Externtal Review Commitee receives the outcome of the selection process, and independently validates that all the projects that are selected are indeed eligible for funding, budgets are frugal, and that there are no other concerns.