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Last update: 2006-05-10


smaller contributions to various activities

IPv6 Awards

[August 2010] De Nederlandse IPv6 Task Force heeft in 2009 voor het eerst de IPv6 Awards uitgereikt om aandacht te vestigen op de voorlopers op het gebied van IPv6-implementaties. De voorlopers op dit gebied dienen namelijk als voorbeeldfunctie en als aanjagers. Er zijn zes categorieën gedefinieerd waarin prijzen worden uitgeloofd: Overheid, Bedrijfsleven, Internet Service Providers, Onderwijs & onderzoeksinstellingen, Publicatie & onderwijscurriculum en Particulieren. NLnet draagt bij aan Award in de categorie Bedrijfsleven.

In 2010 zal de IPv6 awards uitreiking nogmaals georganiseerd worden omdat voorbeelden van IPv6 implementaties nog steeds nodig zijn om awareness te creëren en om voorlopers te belonen als aanjager.

De organisatie van de IPv6 awards 2010 zal door de Task Force/ECP-EPN uitgevoerd worden en zal op donderdag 25 november, tijdens het ECP-EPN jaarcongres plaats vinden.

Foundation Randomdata

[March 2010] Randomdata is a hackerspace where people with common interests, usually in technology meet, socialize and collaborate. The Randomdata hackerspace is an open community lab, workbench, machine shop, workshop and/or studio where people of diverse backgrounds come together to share resources and knowledge to build/make things.

Foundation RaumZeitLabor

[March 2010] Foundation RaumZeitLabor is a Hackerspace in the Rhein-Neckar area. It is a meetingplace for hackers in the area. It is similar to existing Hackerspaces around the world, but there is no such space in a 50km radius around Heidelberg/Mannheim. Most of our group will focus on hardware --making circuits, CNC mills, rapid prototyping.

Advertisement for Firefox

[Published 13 March 2006] NLnet contributed €4000 towards a campaign by dutch Firefox supporters to publish a page-size advertisement for promoting Mozilla Firefox in a Dutch newspaper.

The advertisement appeared on Monday March 13, 2006 in the tabloid "Sp!ts", a free newspaper distributed in trains and other public places. With a readership of approximately 1.6 million people, one of the largest national papers.

The whole edition of Sp!ts can also be seen online as the digital edition of 13 March (pdf ).
The Firefox advertisement (pdf ) alone.

Simon Josefsson to IPR-wg

[Initiated 11 November 2005] NLnet supported the visit of Simon Josefsson (Stockholm, Sweden) to the IPR-wg during IETF 64 in Vancouver (Canada), with a donation of €500 to cover travel expenses.

In the working group, Simon expressed his concerns about various problems with copying permissions for RFCs and other IETF contributions. Read the travel report in HTML or PDF.

Participation in FreeNIX

Guido van Rooij is the security officer in the FreeBSD's project core team, in addition to a number of other positions. The NLnet Foundation sponsored his activities is to help stimulate the formation of an active group of people around FreeNIX/ Open Source within the NLUUG community. Such a group would be a good source for feature requests with respect to Open Source software.

NLnet Foundation's interests are primarily network related topics. A small group of people has been formed, and an e-mail list was maintained for about one and a half year but has since been closed down due to lack of traffic.

However, a useful side-effect of this activity has been the formation of a new special interest group (SIG) of the NLUUG under the name NLFUG, the Netherlands FreeBSD Users Group.

In January 2002, the NLFUG was renamed into D-Bug, the Dutch BSD User Group. The D-BUG (website ) aims at bundling the interests of the Dutch *BSD (primarily FreeBSD) community.

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