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Theme fund: NGI Zero Core
Start: 2024-12
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Software engineering

Solid Application Interoperability

Easy to deploy authorization for Solid Applications

Solid Application Interoperability specification details how Agents in the Solid ecosystem can read, write, and manage data stored in a Solid pod using disparate Applications, individually or in collaboration with other Agents. Solid is a specification that lets people store their data securely in decentralized data stores called Pods. Pods are like secure personal web servers for data. When data is stored in someone's Pod, they control which people and applications can access it. Solid Application Interoperability provides a clear way to create intuitive data boundaries and higher-level patterns to manage access to that data following the principle of least privilege.

This project focuses on finalizing the enforcement of user-defined access policies and improving related user experience (UX), development experience (DX), and deployability.

Solid Project was founded by Tim Berners-Lee and is currently stewarded by the Open Data Institute (ODI). Incubation of technical reports happens in the W3C Solid Community Group. Some drafts have already been provided as inputs to the W3C Linked Web Storage Working Group which is chartered to publish final specifications.

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This project was funded through the NGI0 Core Fund, a fund established by NLnet with financial support from the European Commission's Next Generation Internet programme, under the aegis of DG Communications Networks, Content and Technology under grant agreement No 101092990.