Send in your ideas. Deadline April 1, 2025
Theme fund: NGI0 Entrust
Start: 2023-06
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Data and AI

Solid Data Modules

Improve data accessibility and prevent data corruption in Solid Pods

The Solid Project enables a "Bring your own Data" architecture, but this is only useful if apps understand the data they find on the pod.

Client-client specs are the crucial but underdeveloped core part of the Solid project which needs urgent attention now. Solid Data Modules will build on the existing remoteStorage modules work and the Solid Application Interoperability spec. They will support the data types already documented in the PDS Interop ( and Shaperepo ( initiatives.

Apart from making data more easily accessible, reliably updating index files, and preventing data corruption, the Solid Data Modules will also automatically show the app developer which fine-grained Data Grants to request. That way, we hope to finally stop the bad practice of even demo apps that request root access to your pod.

Run by The Solid Project

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This project was funded through the NGI0 Entrust Fund, a fund established by NLnet with financial support from the European Commission's Next Generation Internet programme, under the aegis of DG Communications Networks, Content and Technology under grant agreement No 101069594.