Send in your ideas. Deadline April 1, 2025
Theme fund: NGI Zero Core
Start: 2024-04
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Network infrastructure

Toward a Fully-Verified SCION Router II

Align router code with formal verification tooling

SCION is a next-generation Internet architecture that addresses many of the security vulnerabilities of today’s Internet. Its clean-slate design provides, among other properties, route control, failure isolation, and multi-path communication. This project is concerns the implementation part of a larger effort that is verifying the core component of the SCION inter-domain routing architecture - the SCION router. SCION’s open-source router should not only be memory-safe but should implement the SCION protocols correctly in order to provide the intended security and correctness guarantees.

Run by Anapaya Systems AG

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This project was funded through the NGI0 Core Fund, a fund established by NLnet with financial support from the European Commission's Next Generation Internet programme, under the aegis of DG Communications Networks, Content and Technology under grant agreement No 101092990.