Send in your ideas. Deadline October 1, 2024
Theme fund: NGI Assure
Start: 2022-06
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Software engineering

Authenticated DNSSEC bootstrapping

Secure in-band announcements of DNSSEC parameters

Turning on DNSSEC for a domain involves (1) signing the domain's DNS zone content and (2) adding the signature public key to the chain of trust. The second step has long posed a problem, as it requires (often manual) transfer of information from the domain's operator to the parent (usually the top-level domain). It is largely due to this "DNSSEC bootstrapping problem" that only about 6% of the Top 1M domains are securely delegated (Tranco, 06/2022).

The project extends commonly used authoritative nameserver software with native support for authenticated DNSSEC bootstrapping (draft-ietf-dnsop-dnssec-bootstrapping). This protocol, a soon-to-be IETF standard, allows DNSSEC parameters to be communicated automatically and securely, enabling DNS operators and parent registries to turn on DNSSEC automatically. To measure the protocol's impact on real-world DNSSEC deployment, measurements of protocol adoption over time will be made available.

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This project was funded through the NGI Assure Fund, a fund established by NLnet with financial support from the European Commission's Next Generation Internet programme, under the aegis of DG Communications Networks, Content and Technology under grant agreement No 957073.