Send in your ideas. Deadline April 1, 2025

Information for the Press

Please find below an archive of press releases by NLnet foundation. You can register for our press lists in English. or in Dutch . If you want to just receive information about new project calls, tenders and deadlines please register for our public mailing list.

If you have any questions regarding the NLnet Foundation, please contact Michiel Leenaars, Director of Strategy, NLnet Foundation, Science Park 400, 1098 XH  Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Phone: +31 20 8884252, cell phone: +31 6 27050947, m.leenaars[at]

  • 2024-01-09: NGI0 Commons Fund will award 21.6 million euro in grants for the development of open digital technologies New Fund Aims to Reclaim Public Nature of the Internet more > >
  • 2022-06-01: NGI0 Entrust launches first open call Open source R&D programme contributes 9.6 million € to "digital commons" more > >
  • 2022-04-01: 40th anniversary of historical launch of EUnet and NLnet Groundbreaking collaborative networking that helped shape the internet in Europe more > >
  • 2021-04-16: Largest self-hosted content solution becomes portable personal data vault NLnet funds plugin to turn self-hosted server into personal data access tool more > >
  • 2021-03-11: Veilig digitaal onderwijs los van big tech Kabinet moet 1% extra budget investeren in open source om leerlingdata te beschermen more > >
  • 2021-02-02: Ethical hackers donate half a million to open internet Security consultancy continues unique support to open source charity more > >
  • 2019-06-16: NLnet grants first Next Generation Internet projects New support scheme launched for independent researchers and open source developers more > >
  • 2019-06-13: Hackers donate 90% of profit to charity ROS makes 140k donation to NLnet more > >
  • 2017-09-21: New initiatives to battle cybercrime highlighted during Holland Strikes Back Fourth edition of 'Holland strikes back' more > >
  • 2017-09-19: European Pioneer Jaap Akkerhuis inducted in Internet Hall of Fame Research engineer from NLnet Labs celebrated as "global innovator" more > >
  • 2016-12-16: Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs donates 0.5 million to "Internet Hardening Fund" Collaborative investment in security of shared infrastructure of the internet more > >
  • 2016-09-28: Research and Higher Education Technology Fund" kickstarted Vietsch Foundation and NLnet cooperate in internet R&D for research and education more > >
  • 2015-04-15: Trusted Networks Initiative continues to grow Banks, government organisations and infrastructure suppliers join more > >
  • 2014-11-20: Netherlands' digital infrastructure delivers significant contribution to internet economy The Netherlands one of the European frontrunners in fast-growing digital infrastructure sector more > >
  • 2014-10-28: New weapon in the fight against cyber attacks launched Announcing the Trusted Networks Initiative more > >
  • 2014-09-23: NLnet, ISPConnect and DHPA bring together internetsector around cyber resilience Major event 'Holland strikes back' to take place on October 28th 2014 more > >
  • 2014-06-30: Collective approach to internet attacks big success in the Netherlands Follow-up funding from NLnet helps "National Washing Facility" scale up more > >
  • 2014-04-08: Erik Huizer becomes fourth Dutchman in Internet Hall of Fame Internet pioneer from the Netherlands celebrated as "global connector" more > >
  • 2013-06-26: Nederlandse internetpioniers krijgen internationale erkenning Teus Hagen en Kees Neggers in Internet Hall of Fame more > >
  • 2013-05-21: NLnet enters FI-WARE consortium more > >
  • 2012-02-01: Getroffen internetgebruikers starten SOS INTERNET 'Deelname in rechtszaken omtrent internetblokkades'. more > >
  • 2011-09-09: NLnet funds development of remote data protocol for web applications 'Unhosted protocol separates software and remote data '. more > >
  • 2011-07-21: NLnet congratulates NoScript for winning 2011 Security Innovation Grant. more > >
  • 2011-04-14: NLnet funds disaster zone phone software. 'Austrialian researchers help phones talk among each other directly'. more > >
  • 2011-02-09: 'Dutch students produce improved security mechanism for the web' more > >
  • 2010-02-24: Innovationvouchers 2010 available. more > >
  • 2009-11-04: Netherlands government launches ODF service at Italian Plugfest: interoperability effort makes market more transparent. more > >
  • 2009-05-20: available in closed beta. more > >
  • 2009-01-29: Free webservice compares output of various Office implementations side-by-side. "The author finally can see what the reader sees". more > >
  • 2008-07-01: Conference "Launch of GPLv3 in the Netherlands". more > >
  • 2008-06-19: Dutch develop open source smart card for public transport "Public transport smartcards 2.0 should guarantee privacy". Press release: Dutch ; English more > >
  • 2008-05-14: NLnet launches a contest to improve the protection for internet users. Contest webpage. Announcement press release: Dutch ; English: more > >
  • 2008-04-16: Michiel Leenaars has been appointed as "Director of Strategy" for NLnet Foundation. Dutch ; English: more > >
  • 2008-01-18: NLnet again calls Microsoft for more openness, "Non-disclosure will hurt standardisation OOXML" more > >
  • 2008-01-16: Year theme: Identity, privacy & presence. more > >
  • 2008-01-16: Year theme: Open Document Format. more > >
  • 2008-01-14: NLnet: Office market leader on crash course with history; Microsoft should release deprecated file formats into public domain. more > >