Send in your ideas. Deadline December 1, 2024

Results December 2016 call

ARPA2 Steamworks

ARPA2 SteamWorks is a set of tools that co-operate to transmit more-or-less centrally controlled configuration settings over any network, and make these settings available to individual programs. Updates are passed around instantaneously when network connections are good, but the last version of the information can be used when the network temporarily degrades. The project is part of the ARPA2 project, which is engineering towards an overall architecture scalable to run a future internet that is secure by design.

Declarative web service security -- Declarative web service security in NixOS

This project aims to make NixOS the first computer operating system to package TLS Pool as a service component, and will allow to combine the power of declarative packaging with the unique security characteristics of TLS Pool to create a unique delivery channel for decentralised internet applications.


The DIME project has three distinct goals: to make end-to-end email encryption transparent and automatic, to minimize the leakage of metadata, and to enshrine the standards which make automation resistant to manipulation by advanced persistent threats. This has led to the development of a set of protocols and data formats which combine the best of current technologies into an integrated system that gives adequate protection, yet remains flexible. It allows for people to improve their security without sacrificing functionality.

getdns -- getdns - A reliable DNSSEC providing stub resolver

Encrypted communication between two random end points on the internet cannot happen without additional infrastructure through which security parameters are exchanged. The getdns library is an modern asynchronous DNS library for application developers, with an API vetted by application developers. getdns has especially good stub-resolving capabilities, and has been developed alongside and in close co-operation with recent standards for stub resolving; such as DNS over TLS (RFC7858), and acquiring DNSSEC at stub resolving level (DNSSEC roadblock avoidance - RFC8027).


Namecoin is a blockchain project that provides a decentralized naming system and trust anchor. Its flagship use-case is a decentralized top-level domain (TLD) which is the cornerstone of a domain name system that is resistant to hijacking and censorship. Among other things, this provides a decentralized trust anchor for Public Key Infrastructure that does not require third party trust. It operates independent from the DNSSEC root trust chain, and can thus offer additional security under some circumstances.


The PITCHFORK is a free/libre hardware device for compartmentalizing key material and cryptographic operations in a small and durable USB device. It uses a Cortex-M3 processor and stores all keys in the CPUs flash. The PITCHFORK has an embedded radio interface over which it can do secure key exchanges with other devices, including "post-quantum" cryptography. Over USB it can send and receive messages using various modern low-level crypto protocols providing different aspects of overall security.

Stubby -- Stubby - A DNS Privacy enabled stub resolver

Stubby is an open source project to develop a DNS stub resolver for use on client devices which will provide DNS Privacy for end users by implementing DNS-over-TLS (RFC7858). This service will provide encrypted first-hop access to DNS services protecting users’ DNS queries from eavesdropping at any point along the path between their device and a privacy-enabling DNS server.


This project aims to implement the proposed TLS-KDH protocol into a production ready implementation. TLS-KDH is a design from Rick van Rein (ARPA2) that combines the benefits of Kerberos and Diffie-Hellman key exchange into a single unified solution that can be used to add additional security and flexibility to internet resources. Kerberos lends itself well to infrastructure-supported mutual authentication, and can even be used to crossover between realms. A downside of this infrastructure is that a crack of one key can lead to a cascade of reverse-engineered keys. Diffie-Hellman key exchange, nowadays primarily in its Elliptic-Curve variation, can be used to incorporate the desirable property of Forward Secrecy, but its vulnerability to man-in-the-middle attacks must then be overcome by cryptographically binding it to an authentication mechanism. The project will create a production quality implementation based on the open source GnuTLS codebase.