Send in your ideas. Deadline April 1, 2025

Awards December 2007

The winners of the December 2007 call are:

  • OpenStreetMap aims to creating and provide free geographic data, such as street maps, to anyone. The project was started because most available maps seem to be free, but actually have legal or technical restrictions on their use, holding back people from using them in creative, productive, or unexpected ways.
    The Dutch subsidiary of OpenStreetMap receives a donation for further development of their software needed to for 1) backups, roll-back possibilities, signalling changes and the assigning of trust levels to the maps; 2) a light-weight mobile editor to be developed to change the OpenStreetMap data ‘in the field’; 3) development of a convenient interface for transmitting changes while working in the field.
  • The Ambulant Open SMIL Player is an ongoing project, intended for researchers who need source-code access to a complete SMIL player environment. It can also be used as a stand-alone SMIL player for applications which do not require proprietary media formats. The project receives a donation for further dissemination of the achieved project results, i.e. for travel-related costs and incidental equipment for showcasing Ambulant on a host of mobile and emerging devices.
  • The OpenDocument Translation Converter project aims on easy translation and localisation of traditional word processing content through converting OpenDocument format texts into Gettext PO and the emerging standard XLIFF. It will solve one of the primary problems with the translation of content --difficulty to divorce the translator from the layout and from the tools that created the content. The outputs of this project will help to advance the promotion of open standards and the translation of content in office documents.
  • GGZ Gaming Zone is a free platform for on-line gaming. The GGZ project has nearly 8 years by now, and persuaded other projects to use GGZ. Major users include some KDE and GNOME on-line games, as well as individual game projects like Freeciv. GGZ will receive a contribution to host a dedicated server for the development of the platform.

NLnet congratulates the projects that were awarded and encourages others to apply for financial and other support by NLnet for their projects in their next call with deadline February 1st 2008