Send in your ideas. Deadline April 1, 2025

Awards August 2007

The winners of the August 2007 call are:

  • AG Projects BV, Haarlem, with its project Implementation of an open source MSRP relay (OpenMSRP). This aims to provide a reference server side implementation of this key component of SIP SIMPLE (SIP for Instant Messaging and Presence Leveraging Extensions). The project contributes to the convergence of SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) and instant messaging.
  • Gendo BV, Leiden, with its project FLOSS ambassadors. In the course of this project Free/Libre Open Source Software ambassadors will be educated and trained by Gendo in order to disseminate open source philosophy and methods among not-for-profit organisations, SME's and local governments.
  • OpenOffice BV, Amsterdam, with its project Consumer Advisory Information on Electronic Communication. This project concerns investigation of the structure of the information offered to the Dutch consumer by consumer organisations.
  • CAcert, Inc., New South Wales Australia, receives funding for meetings of its new board of directors and the advisory board. The new board has a number of challenges to resolve for the free certificate community like external audit for the purpose of inclusion of the root certificate in the root lists of most important browsers, new data centre in The Netherlands, licensing of the code according to the GPL license, financial self-sustainability, and some other important topics.
  • KennisLand, Amsterdam, receives sponsoring for the conference Improving Access to Public Services to be held in The Hague. The purpose is in the course of the conference to compare real world examples of innovations with current public management theory in the hopes of creating a deeper understanding of the current state of service delivery for citizens of plural societies around the world.
  • and Bricolabs, Amsterdam, get sponsoring from NLnet for a Dyne:bolic workshop by Jaromil Denis in Indonesia, Singapore and India. The purpose of the workshop is to promote a no-cost alternative to proprietary multimedia software solutions by means of the dyne:bolic computer operating system and multimedia tool suite.

NLnet congratulates the projects that were awarded and encourages others to apply for financial and other support by NLnet for their projects in their next call with deadline October 1st 2007