NLnet news in 2000
- 2000-02-08 — Staatscourant 27, 8 februari 2000, Personalia
- 2000-02-03 — 10 vragen aan internethoogleraar Frances Brazier
2024-05-02 - Tech talk with bunnie on IRIS: an open hardware project to verify chips
2024-04-11 - Webinar: Open source CPU and SoC design : The flow, the challenges and a perspective
2024-02-22 - Webinar: The GNU Name System and the road to publishing an RFC
49 Free and Open Source Projects Receive NGI0 Core Grants 2024-10-03
Apply for funding before December 1st 2024 2024-10-01
NGI Assure Programme Successfully Concluded 2024-09-19
Meet the Projects Receiving NGI Taler grants 2024-08-06
45 Projects Receiving New NGI Zero Grants 2024-06-18