Send in your ideas. Deadline April 1, 2025

Privacy Statement


The objective of the NGI consultation is to receive the views of stakeholders or people concerned by the topic of the consultation and potentially to publish them in an anonymised format on the Internet, under the responsibility of the Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology, acting as the Controller. As this questionnaire collects and further processes personal data, Regulation (EC) 45/2001, of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2000 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data by the Community institutions and bodies and on the free movement of such data, is applicable.

What personal information do we collect and through which technical means?

Identification Data

Any personal data you submit to us, such as name, surname, and e-mail addresses, is optional, and will only be used for further contact in case further details regarding the data collected is necessary. You are free to leave out any personal details, or use an alias and contact details that shield your privacy.

The processing operations on personal data linked to the organisation and management of this consultation are necessary for the management and functioning of the Commission, as mandated by the Treaties, and more specifically in Article 5 of TEU, Article 13 TEU and Articles 244-250 TFEU, and in accordance with Article 1 and Article 11 of TEU.

Technical information

Your reply and personal data are collected through an online tool. This tool is created using the XForms W3C standard, and therefore you can download the form an fill it out in your own secure environment. The hosted instance can be used in current browsers, however it requires the availability of Javascript. We are aware that this is not desirable, and indeed recommend you use your own instance by downloading the form for offline usage in a secure environment.

Who has access to your information and to whom is it disclosed?

The access to all personal data as well as all information collected in the context of this consultation is only granted to a defined population of users, without prejudice to a possible transmission to the bodies in charge of a monitoring or inspection task in accordance with Community legislation. These users typically are members of DIGIT B6, as the unit organising the consultation, and NLnet and Gartner België Bvba acting as processor.

No personal data is transmitted to parties which are outside the recipients and the legal framework mentioned.

The European Commission will not share personal data with third parties for direct marketing purposes.

How do we protect and safeguard your information?

The collected personal data and all information related to the above mentioned consultation is stored on a computer of NLnet, acting as processor, who has to guarantee the data protection and confidentiality required by the Regulation (EC) 45/2001.

How can you verify, modify or delete your information?

In case you want to verify which personal data is stored on your behalf by the responsible controller, have it modified, corrected or deleted, please contact the Controller by using the Contact Information below and by explicitly specifying your request.

How long do we keep your data?

Your personal data will remain in the database until the results have been completely analysed and will be rendered anonymous when they have been usefully exploited, and at the latest after 1 year from the end of the consultation.

Contact information

In case you wish to verify which personal data is stored on your behalf by the responsible controller, have it modified, corrected, or deleted, or if you have questions regarding the consultation, or concerning any information processed in the context of the consultation, or on your rights, feel free to contact the support team, operating under the responsibility of the Controller, using the following contact information:

Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology
Next Generation Internet Unit
address: BU-31 5/18,B-1049, Brussels, Belgium


Complaints, in case of conflict, can be addressed to the European Data Protection Supervisor.