An open source open hardware security module to protect communications is a project that want to design an open-source hardware cryptographic engine that can be built by anyone from public hardware specifications and open-source firmware. Anyone can then operate it without fees of any kind.
- The project's own website:
Recent revelations have called into question the integrity of some of the implementations of basic cryptographic functions and devices used to secure communications on the Internet. There are serious questions about algorithms and about implementations of those algorithms in software and particularly hardware.
The algorithmic issues are in the domain of the heavy math cryptography folk. But we must also deal with the implementation issues. The Open Crypto project is pursuing the development of an open-source hardware cryptographic engine that meets the needs of high assurance Internet infrastructure systems that use cryptography. The open-source hardware cryptographic engine must be of general use to the broad Internet community, covering needs such as secure email, web, DNS, PKIs, etc.

The project solicits functional requirements from a wide range of organizations. It will focus on the classic low level cryptographic functions and primitives, and not get drawn into re-implementation of application protocol layers.
This is an important and large project. Please consider contributing to this project.