Send in your ideas. Deadline April 1, 2025

Last update: 2015-08-01

ODF Autotests

a framework to help users and developers write test documents for ODF software

The Open Document Format (ODF) is an international standard, a vendor neutral and open format for document exchange. ODF is currently supported by multiple office suites such as, Google Docs, Microsoft Office, Apache OpenOffice, WebODF and OX.

In an ideal world, all these ODF implementations would be fully compatible with each other and with the published standard. Unfortunately in the real world, multiple ODF versions with software bugs and other inconsistencies present document designers and authors with many of the same problems that HTML authors face on the world wide web. Different applications may display and handle ODF documents in different ways.

ODFAutoTests is a framework to help users and developers write test documents for ODF software. Tests are a great tool to help software and standards mature, but writing tests by hand is very time consuming. ODFAutoTests makes it easy to create them, and run them across multipe products.