Send in your ideas. Deadline December 1, 2024

Last update: 2008-09-14


convert ODF to Gettext PO and XLIFF for translation and localising

Much content, both open and closed, is produced in office documents: word processing documents, presentations and spreadsheets. The advent of XML based formats such as OpenDocument Format (ODF) has made it possible to manipulate and add value to these documents.

An important part of produced content is the ability to localise or adapt it to another culture. By translating documents it is possible for more people to access the information. This project aims the creation of a filter that can convert ODF documents into common translation formats (PO and XLIFF) so that they can be easily translated into other languages.

Thus the objective of this project is to allow documents in the XML based OpenDocument format to be extracted for easier translation in translation tools. In order to reach this objective, a collaborative arrangement between and Itaapy will be forged with the objective to build a solid platform by using the expertise from each organisation and software project, thereby providing a stronger platform for innovation in the future.