Send in your ideas. Deadline April 1, 2025

Last update: 2009-05-25

LTSP Deskop

Remote desktop via an LTSP-Cluster

Thin clients (PCs where all data is kept on a remote server and only the desktop is kept locally), are already in use for a long time. These days, increased bandwidth and Cloud Computing allow us to go further, even to stream the complete desktop from the Internet. The possibility to start a desktop "on demand" from the cloud offers interesting new collaboration possibilities: any application can instantly become remote accessible. For instance, having a graphic design reviewed by a design interface specialist. Or program together/review code within a single IDE instance.

The goal of this project is to completely integrate remote access to a cluster of LTSP servers that can be directly accessible or streamed from any private or public cloud (like Amazon EC2 or Eucalyptus).

At start, the project is targeted at Open Source specialists which should test the new functionality, translations and design. Development versions are simple to test: no need to "scrap" my computer: simply instantiate a remote development desktop.

Schools are a second target. Schools will be able to distribute any application to any computer with the LTSP-Cluster. Schools all over the World will be able to provide the complete school environment to any child (using Windows, Linux or Mac computer). All students have access to the same educational tools.