Send in your ideas. Deadline October 1, 2024

Last update: 2007-10-09

End: 2010-01

FSF Europe

support for the Free Software Foundation Europe

Stichting NLnet is a Patron of the Free Software Foundation Europe, NLnet also contributes to the American (international) FSF, on regular basis.

  • 2007-10-09: FTF sponsor contract extended. more > >
  • 2007-09-14: The FTF legal network continues to grow. A conference on European law concerning Open Source is being planned. more > >
  • In 2006, NLnet donated € 10.000, and continues as a "Patron of the Free Software Foundation Europe". NLnet also continues to support the GPLv3 development by FSF and FSF Europe.
  • In 2005, NLnet donated € 10.000, and continues as a "Patron of the Free Software Foundation Europe"
  • In 2004, Stichting NLnet donated € 10.000, and therefore can call itself: "Patron of the Free Software Foundation Europe".
  • In 2002, Stichting NLnet donated € 5.000.

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