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Last update: 2007-10-09

FSF Europe

support for the Free Software Foundation Europe

The Free Software Foundation Europe (FSF Europe) is a charitable non-governmental organization dedicated to all aspects of Free Software in Europe. Access to software determines who may participate in a digital society. Therefore the freedoms to use, copy, modify and redistribute software - as described in the Free Software definition - allow equal participation in the information age.

The FSF Europe works towards all European aspects of Free Software and especially the GNU Project. It is actively supporting development of Free Software and furthering GNU-based systems, such as GNU/Linux. Also, it provides a competence center for politicians, lawyers and journalists in order to secure the legal, political and social future of Free Software.

The NLnet Foundation is stimulating efforts made by FSF Europe to adapt and embed Free Software licenses, like GPL, LGPL, and FDL in the European legal system(s). Besides, NLnet supports the Freedom Task Force, which provides licensing services to individuals, projects and businesses involved with Free Software.

FSF Europe was founded in 2001 as the European sister organization of the Free Software Foundation in the United States, which receives support from NLnet as well.

  • The American (international) FSF/GNU. external link

Project FSF Europe

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