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Last update: 2007-10-08

CodeYard Status Report

Open-Source software development for students in secondary education

[2007/10/09] NLnet and the Radboud University Nijmegen signed for prolongation of the sponsor agreement, into the next phase of the successful CodeYard project run by the University.

In the first phase, the project team lead by Marko van Eekelen succeeded to build up a well functioning Open Source community for high-school and university students. Students had the opportunity to learn the Open Source principles and tools, and start their own original projects on the CodeYard platform.

The next phase of the CodeYard project includes

  • further improvement of the infrastructure and procedures,
  • promotion of the CodeYard platform among high-schools and universities in The Netherlands and abroad, and
  • transform the project into self-sustainable organisation, able to provide continuity to the CodeYard platform and services.

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