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Atom-Based Routing

Improving global internet routing by implementing atom-based routers.

Published: 22 June 2002
Authors: Patrick Verkaik, kc claffy, Andre Broido, Evi Nemeth
     1. Introduction
2. Background --- CIDR
  2.1. Prefixes
  2.2. Aggregation and CIDR Benefits
  2.3. More Specifics and the Limitations of CIDR
3. Policy Atoms
  3.1. Definition of Policy Atoms
4. Atom-Based Routing
  4.1. Dimensions of Atom-Based Routing Protocols
  4.2. Benefits of Atom-Based Routing
5. Practical Deployment of Atom-Based Routing
  5.1. Atom-Based Routing Islands
  5.2. Disjunct Atom-Based Routers
  5.3. Atom Computation
6. Answers to Questions
  6.1. What about IP Version 6?
  6.2. Who Benefits from Atom-Based Routing?
  6.3. Aren't Routing Vendors Tackling these Problems?
7. Related Ideas
  7.1. Geoff Huston's Atoms
  7.2. Frank Kastenholz's Aggregates
8. Planning
  8.1. Extension
9. Project Members

Start with 1. Introduction