Send in your ideas. Deadline April 1, 2025

Last update: 2003-07-07

Progress Report June 2003

tools for developing, distributing, and installing software

By Bram Moolenaar, July 4 2003

Aap version 1.0 released

Aap version 1.0 has been released. The next version should be even more powerful, faster, reliable and simpler to use. If you help making this possible you will not only receive appreciation from Aap users, but have a chance to make money as well!

The A-A-P project offers awards


  • 444 euro for the best contribution to the A-A-P project
  • 222 euro for the most useful patch for Aap or Agide
  • 111 euro for the brightest idea for the A-A-P project

The rules

  • The "best contribution" can be anything that helps the progress of the A-A-P project or improves the usability of Aap and/or Agide.
  • The "most useful patch" can be for fixing a long standing bug, adding support for a specific compiler, a port to another system, etc.
  • The "brightest idea" is a suggestion for a useful addition to the A-A-P project or for improving Aap or Agide without the need for an actual implementation.
  • Contributions are to be sent to the A-A-P-develop maillist. No specific format is required. Everybody contributing to A-A-P automatically becomes a potential award winner.
  • You may submit as many times as you like. All contributions must go under the GNU GPL.
  • The closing date is September 30, 2003. The winners will be announced on the A-A-P web site in October 2003.
  • The selection of the award winners will be done by Bram Moolenaar, the A-A-P project leader.
  • The money is provided by the NLnet foundation.

A-A-P at the O'Reilly conference

Bram Moolenaar will do a presentation on Aap on July 10 at the O'Reilly Open Source Convention in Portland (the abstract). There is also a BOF session about the A-A-P project (abstract) You are welcome to join a discussion about the future of Aap.

Project A-A-P

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