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Theme fund: NGI0 Entrust
Start: 2022-10

Federated software forges with Forgejo

Add ActivityPub based federation to Forgejo

Forgejo is a self hosted software forge where developers can work together on software projects and users can report bugs or request features. As of Forgejo version 1.20, when a project is hosted on a Forgejo instance, every developer is expected to create an account on that instance in order to participate. Compared to email, it is as if it was necessary to create an account on to send a message to someone with an email address and another on to send a message to someone with an email address. But in 2022 there are two: the W3C ActivityPub protocol published in 2017 and forgefed, an emerging standard (since 2019) to describe activities happening on software forges. They can be used by Forgejo instances to communicate with each other and create a federation of forges continuously communicating with one another instead of a constellation of isolated silos. A federated Forgejo will enable software developers to work on the same project even when they use different Forgejo instances. There will be bridges between isolated Forgejo instances that software projects can use to synchronize in real time.

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This project was funded through the NGI0 Entrust Fund, a fund established by NLnet with financial support from the European Commission's Next Generation Internet programme, under the aegis of DG Communications Networks, Content and Technology under grant agreement No 101069594.