Send in your ideas. Deadline April 1, 2025

Last update: 2006-10-05


long distance wifi internet infrastructure

Wisper is a concept (an idea) in the field of long distance wifi network infrastructures, but with a more practical and concrete internet service provision goal. "Wisper" (Wifi Internet Service Provision) is a buzz word in order to stimulate concrete project proposals and/or cooperative initiatives focussed on these new mesh-type, wifi and IPV6 based, internet infrastructure technologies.

Wisper network infrastructure consists of low cost wifi boxes. The wifi hardware should be able to operate on long distance wifi, typically up to 10 miles. The boxes operate with a standard (embedded) Open Source Operation System like Linux or BSD OS.

Probably, the network software will organize a mesh type of connectivity, like MIT Research's RoofNet project (however, the scaling bandwidth problem needs to be solved first).

Wisper wifi boxes should be able to join an existing Wisper cloud fully automatically and the network should scale well. Similar to indoor mesh type of boxes, like the MeshCube (running on NyLon OSS software), Meraki (running on Linux 2.4), and closely related to Meraki RoofNet Cambridge MA (USA) regional wifi access (running on OpenWRT and standard wifi routing boxes).

Wisper should not use scarce resources as e.g. IPV4 limited address space, refrain from expert help and expert configuration, should be fair in bandwidth use, and secure (privacy). Wisper clouds well be linked in a fully automated way. Self configuration of the clouds should be fully autonomic.

For now, Wisper is an open invitation to experts who like the Wisper idea and are willing to contribute to identify practical problem areas. The NLnet Foundation forward project proposals in subareas of Wisper by OSS development groups who want to cooperate. The main prerequisite is that all software developments shall be fully Open Source software and must run on low cost wifi box hardware.

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