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reference implementation of PXE-based network boot module

As a result of discussions about the possibilities for stimulating computer networks within (primary and secondary) education (schoolLAN project), and of personal initiatives for the establishment of a school network in two primary schools, and some interaction with the Etherboot/Netboot e-mail list and the BpBatch project at the University of Geneva, Stichting NLnet has requested the definition of the Network Interface LOader (NILO) project.

NILO focuses on a reference implementation of a network boot module based on the PXE standard from Intel for network cards. The topic has been discussed extensively on the Ethernet/Netboot e-mail list. Ken Yap, one of the key persons of this e-mail list, has written a project definition in cooperation with Stichting NLnet. A successful search for suitable candidates for the necessary implementation work and for monitoring the project has been conducted via the Internet.

The implementation work started on 1 February 1999, with Rob Savoye as the implementer. The total cost of the project is estimated at US$ 35,000, and is fully subsidised by NLnet Foundation. According to the original planning, NILO would have been completed around October 1999. Due to several unfortunate and unexpected delays, completion is now expected in early 2000. Follow-up projects are possible.

Project NILO

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