Send in your ideas. Deadline April 1, 2025

Last update: 2007-12-08

CAcert at USENIX

support for CAcert

[Announcement from the CAcert team]
Thanks to a generous grant from our friends at NLnet, CAcert is proud to team up with the folks at USENIX to provide certificates, Assurances, and advice throughout this year's USENIX technical conference -- to be held in Boston, MA (USA) from 26 June to 2 July.

Our presence at the event will be fairly prominent; so you shouldn't have any trouble spotting our information booth. When you do, and say hi, get signed up for a new account, and/or have your existing account Assured up to 150 points!¹ Your official USENIX program will guide you as to when/where our various "assure-a-thons" will be taking place.

And don't forget to check your official USENIX program to find out the official times and locations of our first (international!) Board Meeting and our "Birds of a Feather" panel discussion(s) on PKI, X.509, digital privacy/security, et al.

We look forward to seeing you there!
The CAcert Team

¹) A NOTE ABOUT IDs: To make sure we can give you the maximum number of trust points available, please see the rules for details about what IDs are acceptable for Assurance purposes. Passports and driver licenses (or other government-issued photo IDs) are your best bet. Thanks!

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