Send in your ideas. Deadline April 1, 2025

Last update: 2007-09-10


analysis of legal and technical implications of the use of software agents

Properties associated to agents such as autonomy, pro-activity, reasoning, learning, collaboration, negotiation, and social and physical manifestation are properties developed by man. Notions such as anonymity and privacy acquire new meanings in the "digital world." New concepts such as pseudo-anonymity emerge. Until now, much research on deployment of information technology has been done as a separate discipline. Computer Science and AI develop the technical expertise and applications. Law then fits these applications into existing legal frameworks (taking US, European and Dutch traditions into account), proposing new frameworks if and when needed. In this project, members of the two disciplines AI and Law are collaboratively investigating the legal possibilities and limitations of agent technology, ultimately leading to recommendations for both disciplines.

  • 2003-08-15: Conclusions at the end of the ALIAS project. more > >
  • Report IR-CS-004ALIAS, Analysing Legal Implications and Agent Information Systems, which concludes this ALIAS project. .pdf (829 kB)
  • ALIAS discussion forum external link
  • The publications and presentations from the ALIAS project are listed on the project's website external link

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