Send in your ideas. Deadline April 1, 2025

Last update: 2003-07-01


common programming interface for peer-to-peer systems

CP2PC (pronounced "copy to pc") develops a minimal programming interface to peer-to-peer (P2P) file-sharing systems. Client side applications can be built on top of this interface by other projects. In addition, the project includes development of a simple GUI client that integrates various file-sharing systems.

Several P2P networks exist that are used for sharing files among clients, such as Gnutella and Mnet (aka Mojo Nation). Each network uses its own suite of protocols, leading to a number of client applications that are difficult or impossible to integrate. In particular, each P2P network has its own proprietary client-side software. In fact, some P2P systems are based on the same technology but cannot be integrated easily. An example of this is the Fasttrack's P2P protocol suite, on which Kazaa, Grokster and Morpheus are based. CP2PC intends to bridge these gaps by developing a single client which can work with a variety of P2P networks.

  • The Globe Project's website. external link

Project CP2PC

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