4 BlueHats prizes of € 10 000 in 2024
Anyone could nominate projects using the form on this page (now closed). The nominated projects will be evaluated by a jury and a new choice will be announced on the first of April, May, June and July. The chosen project will be featured on this webpage with the jury report and will receive a prize of € 10000 to be spent freely.
Why BlueHats
BlueHats are civil servants who promote using and developing Free Software in public administrations.
The winning projects
- April 2024: dnsmasq
- May 2024: node-oidc-provider
- June 2024: Apache Maven
- September 2024: to be announced in September 2024
Nominate a project (closed)
You can nominate a project for the BlueHats prize. For a project to be eligible, it should:
- be used by at least one agency of the French administration,
- be maintained by a natural person or a non-profit association or foundation,
- have a license recognized as a Free Software license by both the OSI and the FSF.
Projects may be nominated for a number of reasons: the quality of the code, documentation, governance, and number of external contributors may be outstanding. Or the contribution to the administration autonomy and transparency might be notable. Or you may know of other reasons why a project is excellent.
You may want to check code.gouv.fr to see whether the project is listed here. Projects not in this list of dependencies can also be nominated.